The XXL Football Fun Package. Experience the newest and most action-packed trend football games!

XXL Football Fun Package

The most modern and entertaining football trend games are waiting for you! You choose 3 or 5 of them and we’ll make sure that you experience the best football day of your life! You can shoot on an XXL dart board or run against each other in protective Bubble Ball suits. No matter what you choose,  you will experience the greatest possible football fun. Achieve your success through your footballing skills in single challenges, or fight your way to victory in team-challenges side by side with your mates. No matter what you’re up to, we have the right games for everyone!


Tackle your opponents out of the way!

Bubble Ball is all about one thing: Tackle your opponents out of the way! You step into protective, air-inflated bubble suits and play in two teams against each other. The team thats scores the most goals at the end wins. So come up with a good plan and knock over your opponents before they catch you!



30 – 90 minutes



Possible games:

  • Bubble Football
  • Last Man Standing
  • Team Deathmatch
  • Sumo Wrestling
  • Safe the King
  • King of Thieves
  • Rolling Balls


OPTION: Football Darts

Get the Ooonehundreteeeightyyy!

Our XXL dartboard is gigantic 5 meters high. You shoot with sticky footballs at the colorful triple fields. The points distribution is identical to classic darts, only the fun factor is much higher! Choose Football Darts and you can decide between the classic darts or our mini-games.



15 – 45 minutes



Possible games:

  • Darts classic
  • Quiz
  • Shoot-Out
  • Challenge
  • Tournament


OPTION: Speed Radar

Who has the hardest shot?

Challenge your squad to strength competition! Our speed radar precisely measures the speed of your shots and  clarifies for all time who has the hardest shot. It depends on the feeling as well. Pull a speed in our lottery raffle and try to get as close to it as possible. Are you ready? Then show us how precise you can shoot!



5 – 20 minutes



Possible games:

  • Top Speed
  • Speed Lottery Raffle



OPTION: Alcohol Goggles Football

Keep the perspective!

Easier said than done when you suddenly see two blurry balls in front of your feet! Our alcohol impairment goggles imitate an alcohol level of 1.5 ‰. There won’t be a possibility not to kick a few air holes – which means a huge amount of fun. So put the googles over your head and try to hit the right ball!



15 – 30 minutes



Possible games:

  • Classic football game with alcohol impairment goggles
  • Scoring challenge




Volley in the angle!

Only a few will succeed, but if you do, the fame will all be yours! We throw the balls against a rebounder and you will try to kick the ball – with precise shots – to hit the targets hanging in the angle, or at least to score a goal. We also have a free kick challenge for the skillers among you. Try to hit the targets and to get your points!



10 – 15 minutes



Possible games:

  • Rebounder Volley Challenge
  • Free kick angle shooting



Have you made up your mind? Then make your appointment now!

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